A ten-frame design is a specific design technique that allows the students to not only learn about math but it help them understand the actual meaning of a number or how a math equation i.e. addition or subtraction works. As a teacher or parent, you can easily help your kids learn about basic math problems and simple addition or subtraction by preparing a ten-frame design.
Uses and Common Trends of Ten Frame Templates:
Many of the successful research shows that kids start learning as early as they are born. The fact that a newborn baby is instantly given to his mother so she can hold him on her chest is not a myth but an important element of associating the child with his mother. As soon the kids start walking and speak a few words, you will hear hundreds and thousands of questions from them every day. It seems that they want to learn about the world around them quicker than others. Every child is different and has a different set of skills. Some are good with colors while others are great at solving puzzles and mind games. Some might find it interesting to see how a machine works. When a child is 3-4 years old, he can easily count to 10 but not all of them know what they are counting.
As the name a state, a ten-frame design is indeed a picture of squares or boxes divided into 2 rows and 5 columns. It is quite simple to make 10 boxes on a piece of paper and help your kid learn about basic math problems but at this age, kids want to see something interesting so they can learn fast. You can help your child by using tape and building ten frames on the carpet or floor. The boxes should be big enough so they can put their toys in them for counting. Many parents have stated that when they drew ten frames on paper, kids weren’t so interested but when they made these boxes on the floor and asked them to get their toys for learning math, they showed instant interest and now they ask their parents to draw ten frames so they can learn about math.
Free Ten Frame Templates:
Here are previews and download links for these free Ten Frame Templates in MS Word,
Guidelines to Prepare a Ten-Frame Design:
Before designing a ten-frame design, keep in mind that the basic idea behind this technique is to get the attention and interest of kids naturally. When kids feel they are forced to do something, they lose interest. That’s not what you should do while teaching them about math problems and the value of numbers. The whole process should appear as a play to the kids so they learn about math while playing with their toys. Drawing ten frames on a piece of paper is usually for kids that are 5-7 years old. They have already learned about basic math problems so they won’t be interested in including their toys in the learning process but when you are dealing with a child younger than 4 years old, you need to draw the ten frames big enough for them to fit their toys.
Another important aspect of ten frames is to allow the kids to not only learn about numbers but what they represent as well. The kids need to understand the real value of a number so if you are proud that your child can count to 10, you should see the other kids who know that 5 plus 5 makes 10 or 10 minus 6 is equal to 4. This is the true essence of the ten-frame design that it helps the kids understand how much value each number carries. In the classroom or at home, you will find plenty of stuff that looks interesting and you can use those objects in the ten frames. This can be something simple i.e. small toys or something customized i.e. pebbles with paint on them or hair clips or anything that the kids want to play with.

Kamran Khan is a seasoned blogger with a deep-seated passion for office document processes and the art of productivity. With a wealth of experience spanning over a decade, Kamran has become a trusted name in the blogging community, known for his insightful articles and practical solutions that help individuals and businesses streamline their daily operations.