Here are 10 Free Cornell Notes Templates to help you prepare and print your own Cornell Notes easily. These notes are very useful for your day-to-day task management.
Systematically taking notes always helps you to recall and review your meeting objectives or actions effectively. Cornell Notes-taking system helps you to fulfill this task with comprehension. Usually, Cornell Note Templates are available in MS Word as it’s easy to edit them. Hence you can also find MS Word Templates here to record your notes easily.
What is the Cornell Notes System?
Walter Pauk introduced the Cornell Notes-taking system back in 1954 to help people take notes effectively. Since he was a professor at Cornell University he named it Cornell Notes Taking System. He also wrote a complete book to assist students in how to study in college effectively.
Cornell Notes consists of your three sections on one page (normally). These sections are Cues, Notes, and Summary. Students can easily fill up the Cues section before starting a class and then keep taking notes in the Notes Section on time. The summary section is where they need to fill it up at the end to summarize this learning section. Let’s review these three sections separately in more detail.
Free Cornell Notes Templates:
Here are previews and download links for these free Cornell Notes Templates in MS Word format,
Cornell Notes – Cues Section:
The cues section is where you need to write down short cues regarding the main topics of the lecture. You can also call them Key Points if it makes it easier for you to understand. These points help you to organize your notes with comprehension to cover even minor details.
Cornell Notes – Notes Section:
This section is the area where you have to write down your notes. Try to write them in front of the relevant cue or Key Point. Also, try to use shorthand to take notes to save time while not missing anything useful.
Cornell Notes – Summary Section:
The summary section is where you can sum up your notes and mention key areas and key findings.
Cornell Notes Template for Word:
It is very simple to design this template. You can use it as the source for new documents or print out copies. While creating a template, you can keep the documents in black and white or you can make colored background areas. While color has its benefits, it can be costly if you need to print these out.
Also keep the top section blank instead of putting specific fields for the class, teacher, etc. This comprehensive approach allows you to use it for other learning scenarios, like conferences.
Everyone nowadays, especially those who are in college or high school, has an idea of using MS Word. You will find it quite interesting to take Cornell notes on words. Thus, there is a change in using the Cornell Notes System. A ready-made template is more beneficial than creating a new template.
Printable Cornell Notes PDF Template:
The same design as the Word template can be printed. However, it is not meant to be an interactive PDF file, so it is best used for making printed copies. You can use the file in hard form. Some printers prefer the PDF file format.
They would not be costly when these are blank. Also, it can be quite useful to use templates as it is easy to print them out, especially when they are blank. It makes it easier to get an idea about the relevant content.
Cornell’s notes-taking system provides a systematic format for summarizing and organizing notes. This system is for high school and college-level students to take notes. There are many ways of taking notes, but the most common one is the two-column notes. The paper will be divided into two columns by the students: the note-taking column is usually on the right side, which is twice the size of the questions/keyword column on the left side. At the bottom of the page, the student leaves five to seven lines, which are about two inches (5 cm).
You can write your notes from a lecture in the note-taking column. These notes usually consist of the main ideas of the text or lecture and long ideas are summarized. Avoid long sentences, instead, you can use symbols or abbreviations. To work with future reviews, record relevant questions as soon as possible so that the lecture and questions will be fresh in the student’s mind, or write the keywords in the keyword column. You can use any source of information to prepare these notes, such as fiction books, DVDs, lectures, textbooks, the Internet, etc.
When you are going to review the material, the student can cover the note-taking in the right column while attempting to answer the questions/keywords in the keyword or left column. The student can be encouraged to reflect on the material and review the notes regularly.
You can use many ways of taking notes in school or at the university. Further, you can take a structured approach in your notes as an outlined method to take notes. You can also prefer a visual way and draw mind maps, or may even use no structure at all. When you are preparing for an exam, there is one note-taking technique that is superior to others in many cases and science has proven that it is not only more efficient but also makes it a lot easier to review notes in your exams.
How to use A Cornell Note:
Little preparations will be required for note-taking in the class. You can divide the page into 4 and sometimes only 3 different sections. You will find two columns. One area is at the bottom of the page, and the other area is at the top of the page.
Using a template is beneficial because it provides structure and more items, such as auto-text entries and macros.
Important Steps in the Cornell Note-taking System:
Certain steps have to be followed to get a Cornell note-taking system
- Record your lecture notes.
- Review their notes and make a column for the self-test.
- Summarize your notes.
- Should test your knowledge.
- Rehearse the information in the notes but frequently.
With the multiple studying techniques available, the efficiency of the visual approach is widely appreciated. If you learn best with colors, you can use many formats to separate the main points and notes in the lesson through different shades.
A Cornell method of note-taking template example comes in many formats such as Microsoft Word, PDF, PPT, etc.

Kamran Khan is a seasoned blogger with a deep-seated passion for office document processes and the art of productivity. With a wealth of experience spanning over a decade, Kamran has become a trusted name in the blogging community, known for his insightful articles and practical solutions that help individuals and businesses streamline their daily operations.